Privacy Policy


    In accordance with the (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), please be advised that any personal data that may be collected directly from the user by means of this website will be treated in the strictest confidence and entered in the corresponding automated and duly-registered files of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

    The processing controller of these files will be the company THIELMANN PORTINOX SPAIN, S.A. bearer of Tax Identification Number A-18005389, with registered offices for these purposes at Ctra. Pulianas, Km. 6 – 18197 Pulianas – Granada – Spain (CONTROLLER).

    Users may access this Privacy Policy at any time by means of the tab created for this purpose in the website, in order to store it in their computer system and, if they so wish, obtain a hard copy by printing it.


    In that regard, the user is informed that merely visiting this website will leave no automatic record of any personal data that may identify him/her. However, certain non-personal and non-identifiable information does exist with a specific user that is collected and recorded in the servers of the CONTROLLER (for example, type of Internet browser of the user, operating system of the user, etc.) for the purpose of improving the user browsing experience and the management of this website.

    Without prejudice to the above, for the use of given resources or services, the CONTROLLER may require certain data of a personal nature from the user.

    Except those fields that indicate otherwise, responses to questions regarding personal data are voluntary.

    The user undertakes to guarantee that the personal data provided to the CONTROLLER are correct, truthful and belongs to him/her or, otherwise, he/she has the express consent of the holder(s).

    Users also ensure that they are over fourteen years of age and have a legal capacity to act.

    The user consents to the personal data provided being used for the purpose stated in the data collection form, which will be, in any case, to respond to their requests, as well as to send the user information and advertising if they so consent. The user will have the possibility to unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications at any time. The user is also informed that their personal data may be used to send it satisfaction surveys in the event that it finally purchases any of the products or services offered by the RESPONSIBLE.

    Without prejudice to the above, for the use of given resources or services, the CONTROLLER may require certain data of a personal nature from the user such as name, email, phone number, country, company name, or postal code.


    The personal data of the users that are collected and processed are suitable, appropriate and not excessive in relation to the scope and legitimate purposes of their collection.

    The personal data to be processed will not be used for purposes that are incompatible with those for which they were collected. The subsequent processing of these for statistics purposes will not be considered incompatible.

    Furthermore, any personal data of the users that may be filed, as appropriate, will not be preserved so as to allow the identification of the user for a period greater than what is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or recorded.


    The user, when freely completing any of the forms on this website, should expressly and unequivocally provide the CONTROLLER with consent to enter the data in the corresponding files and subsequently process or assign these to third parties, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any periodic corrections.

    The CONTROLLER will provide users with the appropriate technical resources so that, prior to the delivery of their personal data, they may access this Privacy Policy or any other relevant information, and may provide their consent for the CONTROLLER to proceed with the automated processing of their personal data. The acceptance by users that their data may be processed is always revocable, without retroactive effects.


    Third-party access to the personal data of the users will solely and exclusively take place when necessary for the provision of the services by the CONTROLLER.

    The users provide their express and unequivocal consent to the CONTROLLER to allow access to their data by CONTROLLER employees, as well as by any third parties providing services for the CONTROLLER, in order to provide the user with the correct access and use of the website services.

    These service providers are bound to the CONTROLLER by an agreement that expressly contains equivalent privacy and data protection obligations to those required of the CONTROLLER itself and its own employees, and they are expressly prohibited from assigning data to any third party.

    Upon the termination of the contractual relationship with a service provider, the latter must return to the CONTROLLER or destroy any user data to which it will have had access on the occasion of the service agreement.

    Any information exchanged with third parties outside the above terms will be done so anonymously.

    Specifically, your personal data collected through the use of the Customer Care chatbot tool will be processed by HubSpot as the data processor. HubSpot, Inc. 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141 USA.

    Data collected may be shared with third-party service providers for marketing purposes.


    The CONTROLLER and the data processors will adopt all measures of an organisational, legal and technical nature necessary to ensure the security of the personal data of the users and prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, in view of the state of the art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed by virtue of human action or the physical or natural environment.


    The CONTROLLER and all persons that, one way or another, take part in the processing of the personal data of the users, are obligated to comply with the obligation of professional secrecy.


    The rights of access, rectification, erasure/ to be forgotten, restriction of processing, data portability and object are highly personal and will be exercised:

    • By the affected party, accrediting their identity.
    • Rights may also be exercised by a voluntary representative, expressly designated for this purpose. In that case, the identity of the represented party and the representative should be clearly accredited by means of furnishing the respective copies of National Identification or equivalent documents, and the representation conferred.

    The rights will be denied when the request is formulated by a person other than the affected party and the representation of the latter party is not accredited.

    The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, erasure/ to be forgotten, restriction of processing, data portability and object may be exercised free-of-charge by written communication to the CONTROLLER at Ctra. Pulianas, Km. 6 – 18197 Pulianas – Granada – Spain or by email to

    The communication should contain the following elements:

    • Given and surnames of the concerned party; photocopy of the national identification document, passport or other valid identification document and, as appropriate, of the person representing them, or equivalent electronic instruments. The document or electronic instrument accrediting this representation should also be submitted. The use of electronic signature to identify the party concerned will eliminate the need to submit photocopies of the National Identification or equivalent document.
    • Petition in which the request is specified.
    • Address for the purpose of notices, date and signature of the petitioner.
    • Documents accrediting the petition formulated, as appropriate.

    The CONTROLLER will respond to the request addressed to it in all cases within the period legally established for this purpose and regardless of whether or not it has personal data of the affected party on file.

    If the request does not fulfil the above requirements, the CONTROLLER may request that these be rectified.

    If the user considers that his or her right has not been properly addressed, he or she may lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.


    The CONTROLLER uses its own cookies and third-party cookies to improve the resources and services of the website and provides the user with advertising regarding preferences by the analysis of browsing habits.

    The cookies used are associated to one anonymous user only and their computer or mobile device, and do not provide references that make it possible to infer personal data of the user.

    Users may change their browser settings to notify and reject the installation of any cookies sent by the CONTROLLER. For more information, please refer to the Cookie Policy section.