Join THIELMANN at "Il était une brasserie's" upcoming events as we embark on a journey through the heart of the Franco-Belgian brewing scene. As proud supporters of "Il était une brasserie", the renowned Franco-Belgian brewing consultancy agency, THIELMANN stays connected and well-informed about the current state of the craft beer industry in the region. This valuable partnership enables us to share insights and experiences within our network.
The journey began in Strasbourg and we’re excited to join Il était une brasserie at their events across France and Belgium. We will be present at each event, ready to showcase our top-notch stainless steel kegs and containers. If you’ve got questions about how our products can elevate your business, our team is here to assist you.
Next edition:
- Il était une brasserie #36 "spéciale qualité" at Anton Paar, Les Ulis, France (September 26th, 2024)